
Posts Tagged ‘reading’

Fish Fry on the We’re Here

Are you unsatisfied with life? Do your old man and lady drive you crazy to the point that you do things just to annoy them? Do you like going out with friends to games and parties? Then experience the party that will change your life. Join me at the boat We’re Here at 7:00 on Tuesday and meet the crew of people who taught me my scruples: the big man Captain Disko Troop, his trusted son Dan, tall-tale-loving Long Jack, dancing Tom Platt, silent foreigner Manuel, cantankerous Uncle Salters, and his mad companion Penn. We’ll give you stories that will curl your spine. We’ll also give you a take-home copy of our stories in Captains Courageous by Rudyard Kipling. Hear from a boy who fell off a ship and was picked up from sea by our dories. Hear from the captain what to do when someone calls you a thief. Hear from a superstitious cook the story of two of our boys who fished a dead man from the sea. Hear from the entire crew why wealth and fame are not the most important things in life. Learn how to truly take pride in your work. Come together with us to celebrate our status as the #1 schooner in the Grand Banks for 5 years running. And above all, come learn the true meaning of manhood, and in so doing, win the respect of those around you.

Where:  Gloucester, Massachusetts, aboard Disko Troop’s fishing schooner the We’re Here (We’re here. Are you?)

What to Bring:  Strong Stomach, Spirit of adventure & willingness to do your part, clothes you don’t mind getting wet

When: Late 1800s

R.S.V.P.  Harvey Cheyne

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